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100% Renewable Energy

This page details the steps your community needs to take to get Clean Energy Communities certification for this Action Item by NYSERDA and how Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC) can assist you. As your regional Clean Energy Coordinator, please email Rob Richardson at  

RECs represent proof that electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy source. They are sold separately from commodity electricity.

Submit a completed 100% Renewable Electricity Certification Form V2 (accessed in the 100% Renewable Electricity Toolkit) or comparable information. Requested information includes the average annual load of all municipal electricity accounts and the percentage of the load that have been or will be matched with New York renewable energy certificates (RECs) that are retired in a New York State Generation Attribute Tracking System (NYGATS). This applies to electricity use that occurred in 2020 and later.

To obtain CEC credit for this HIA, submit the competed certification form though the NYSERDA Submission Portal. If you have any questions or run into issues submitting an HIA, please contact  the CEC Coordinator Rob Richardson at